· Growth Form: Forms a compact rosette shape with slightly wrapped leaves.
· Leaves: Spoon-shaped and moderately thick. The front surface of the leaves is flat or slightly concave, while the back is convex with a rounded arc. The tips are sharply pointed.
· Color: The leaves are covered with a powdery coating, displaying hues ranging from gray-blue to faint orange. The tips and edges of the leaves are prone to coloration.
Growth Habits:
· Prefers warm, dry environments with ample sunlight.
· Highly drought-resistant and thrives in loose, well-draining, and aerated soil.
· Does not have a distinct dormancy period.
· Requires protection when temperatures fall below 5°C (41°F) and shading when temperatures exceed 30°C (86°F).
Care Details:
· Size: Small when mature.
· Leaf Shape: Spoon-shaped, moderately thick leaves.
· Flowering Season: Spring to early summer.
· Appearance: The plant's color and form can vary with changes in season, sunlight, and temperature differences.
Care Guidelines:
During spring and autumn, exposure to sunlight enhances the plant's color. If the leaves are plump, outdoor cultivation is suitable.
Use succulent planting soil, typically a mix of peat and perlite.
Ideal growth occurs between 10–30°C (50–86°F).
Can be propagated through leaf cuttings or beheading.
Watch out for common pests such as red spider mites, scale insects, and snails.
Planting Location:
Ideal for balconies, windowsills, and terraces.