Pelecyphora aselliformis has axillary warts covering its spherical body, arranged in a very orderly pattern. The surface of the warts is made up of two rows of short spines, arranged in a comb-like spiral pattern, resembling a finely crafted piece of art. It appears as though small bugs are clinging to the surface of the globe. At the top of the mature plant, soft white hairs are nestled among the warts. This plant grows very slowly, with a very solid spherical body. Seedlings generally have a club-like shape with blocky roots.
Native Habitat:
The native habitat of the Pelecyphora aselliformis is in the northern part of San Luis Potosí, Mexico, in the high-altitude limestone regions above 1,800 meters. The area receives very little rainfall, with only 380 mm annually. During the winter, there is no rainfall. However, the temperature difference between seasons is not extreme, with summer temperatures averaging around 25°C and winter temperatures around 10°C. This climate is suitable for growing in loose, mineral-rich soils.
Flowering Period:
With adequate sunlight, the plant can bloom from February to October.
Flower Color:
The flowers range from pink to purple.
Mature plants have a stem diameter of 2-5 cm and a height of 5-10 cm. Seedlings grow slowly, so their stems are pencil-shaped, while mature plants have a club-shaped stem.
The plant needs well-draining soil and strong sunlight to promote good growth of the spines (in its native habitat, the plant grows under the shade of trees and is not exposed to direct sunlight at noon, so it should be shaded during the summer and not subjected to harsh sunlight). Because the Pelecyphora aselliformis grows very slowly, watering should be controlled to prevent overstimulation, helping to maintain a compact shape and prevent leggy growth. In winter, when nighttime temperatures drop below 10°C, the soil should be kept completely dry (though some gardeners water it slightly once a month to prevent the roots from drying out). The plant can withstand short-term cold as low as -4°C, but it is crucial to ensure good ventilation. Since the Pelecyphora aselliformis has difficulty rooting, gardening enthusiasts often graft it onto other plants to aid growth.
The plant can be propagated by seed, grafting, or side shoots.