How to Care for and Cultivate Haworthia Truncata f. variegata

Haworthia Truncata f. variegata is a variegated variety of Haworthia Truncata, with yellow, pink, or white markings on the leaf surface. The shape of the markings varies depending on the plant, appearing as stripes, patches, or irregular shapes. Among them, markings that are bright, clear, and well-distributed are referred to as "supreme markings," and they command a higher market price. Insufficient light can cause the plant to become loose and result in smaller, clouded "window" areas, affecting its overall appearance.

Specialized Care Methods:

Haworthia Truncata f. variegata is sensitive to direct sunlight. Not only should it be shaded during the summer, but it also needs to be shaded promptly during periods of strong sunlight in the spring and autumn to prevent sunburn. It prefers gentle light and higher humidity environments, but excessively humid conditions can breed fungi and pests. Therefore, ventilation is crucial, and covering it with an inverted plastic container for prolonged periods should be avoided, with regular airing out recommended.

Watering should adhere to the principle of not watering when the soil is not dry, and when watering, it should be thoroughly done. During the growing season, watering frequency should be higher, while during periods of high or low temperatures when growth is slow, watering frequency should be reduced accordingly and adjusted as needed. It is not prone to excessive elongation or lateral budding; it is easier to maintain in regions with higher humidity.

Maintenance Methods:

Temperature: It thrives in temperatures between 15 to 28 degrees Celsius, with the ability to withstand temperatures as low as 5 degrees Celsius in winter.

Light: Partial sunlight.

Soil: It prefers well-draining, loose soil.

Dormancy Period: It goes dormant in temperatures exceeding 35 degrees Celsius in summer and during low temperatures in winter.

Watering: In dry northern environments, watering is necessary when the soil is 80% dry.

Flowering Period: Summer and autumn.