Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' is a succulent plant belonging to the Sedum genus of the Crassulaceae family. It is a cultivated horticultural variety. The name "Echeveria sp. 'Gilo'" is a transliteration. Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' belongs to the Moon Shadow series and bears some resemblance to Helena. It used to be considered a high-priced variety, but now its price has declined significantly. Typically, the plant stands within the range of 10 centimeters in height. It grows in a rosette shape, with fleshy leaves that radiate outward. The leaf tips are gradually pointed or occasionally sharp, covered with a white waxy coating. The leaves are bluish-green, with purple-red margins. Under conditions of ample sunlight and significant temperature variations, the purple-red coloration can expand to cover most of the leaf surface, with some leaves showing hints of yellow.
Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' is a small-sized variety that does not grow too large. After several years of clustering, the plants become quite spectacular. Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' produces clustered flower spikes with pale yellow blossoms. It prefers environments with abundant sunlight and dry conditions, tolerating partial shade but avoiding hot and humid environments. It exhibits growth habits suited for cool seasons and enters a dormant phase during hot summer temperatures. Additionally, Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' requires ample sunlight for vibrant leaf coloration and attractive compact growth. Insufficient sunlight results in lighter leaf coloration and loose, elongated leaf arrangement.
It is sensitive to waterlogging and requires moist soil during the growing season while avoiding water accumulation. Watering should be controlled during periods of high summer temperatures to prevent plant rot caused by excessive rain. Throughout the winter, watering should be essentially stopped, gradually reducing it when temperatures drop below 5 degrees Celsius. The soil mixture consists of coal cinder mixed with peat and a small amount of perlite in a ratio of approximately 6:3:1. Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' can withstand temperatures as low as around 4 degrees Celsius indoors; however, below this temperature, the growing tips of the leaves may suffer frost damage and dry out, resulting in death. During the entire winter, watering should be essentially stopped, gradually reducing it when temperatures drop below 5 degrees Celsius.
Propagation of Echeveria sp. 'Gilo' typically involves beheading to produce small offshoots or leaf cuttings. Beheaded plants can be directly inserted into dry granular soil and lightly watered after a few days, easily developing roots. Leaf cuttings are a bit slower; complete and plump leaves are taken, dried in a cool place to heal wounds, and then placed on the soil. The soil should not be too wet, just slightly humid. Eventually, new plants will sprout from the leaf cuttings.