How to Care for and Cultivate Echeveria sbucorymbosa lau 026

Echeveria sbucorymbosa lau 026
The leaves are round spoon-shaped, gray-green, with leaf tips. Both the leaf tips and edges easily turn reddish, arranged in a tight rosette formation. It is easy to form clusters and can develop into old specimens, which can easily change color during colder seasons.

Growth Habits of Echeveria sbucorymbosa lau 026:
Soil: Prefers loose and breathable soil.
Watering: Follow the principle of watering thoroughly once the soil is dry.
Light: Enjoys sunlight; the cool spring and autumn are the growing seasons.
Temperature: Gradually reduce watering when temperatures drop below 5 degrees Celsius in winter.
Propagation: Easy to cluster; can be propagated by division during repotting.
This small clustering variety has an increasing height for old stems. The leaves are gray-green, round spoon-shaped, with pure red edges and pointed tips.
Spring and autumn are the growing seasons, and it prefers full sunlight. It will enter dormancy in the summer; ensure good ventilation and provide shade. A small amount of water can be sprayed on the soil surface weekly to prevent root death. In winter, gradually reduce watering to keep the soil dry and enhance the plant's cold resistance.
It can easily cluster, and propagation can be done by division during repotting.