How to Care for and Cultivate Echeveria colorata fa. Brandtii

Species: Crassulaceae family, Echeveria genus.

Common Name: Brandt.


Medium-sized succulent variety with a rosette shape, reaching up to 34 cm in diameter.

Leaves are long ovate, slightly thick, and primarily flat.

Leaf tips are sharply pointed, covered with a thick powdery coating.

Leaf color is a powdery greenish-blue, with leaf tips and edges easily turning red.

Uses: Ornamental.

Distribution: Native to Mexico.

Care Instructions

1. Pot and Soil:

As a large succulent, Brandt requires a relatively large pot. While its seedlings may be small when purchased, they grow quickly.

For soil, mix peat with river sand or vermiculite in a 1:1 ratio. This mix enhances drainage and prevents soil compaction or poor aeration around the roots.

2. Light:

Brandt thrives in sunlight. Place it in an open-air balcony, on a windowsill, or ideally in a garden.

During spring and autumn, it can remain outdoors all day but should be brought indoors at night to minimize temperature fluctuations, which benefits its growth.

Adequate sunlight improves photosynthesis, making the leaves fuller and more vibrant.

In hot summers, move the plant to a shaded and well-ventilated area.

3. Watering:

Proper watering is key to promoting lush growth. Adjust watering frequency according to the season:

Spring and Autumn: These are the primary growing seasons. Water every 7 days to keep the soil moist and meet its growth needs.

Summer: This is Brandt's dormant period, requiring less water. Water approximately every 15 days.

If the surrounding environment is dry, use a spray bottle to mist the area around the plant. This helps lower the temperature and improves humidity.

Notes on Appearance:
When in optimal condition, Brandt turns red, sometimes developing red spots. Its regular coloration is a mix of white with hints of orange.