How to Care for and Cultivate Echeveria 'Bella'

Echeveria 'Bella' belongs to the Crassulaceae family and the Echeveria genus. Some people believe it is a hybrid variety of Sedum burrito, also known as Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg' (or Bili). Its leaves are elongated oval-shaped, with fine, dense fuzz on the surface. When in optimal condition, the leaf tips turn peach-pink, and the leaf edges also turn red, resembling bright red lips.

Echeveria 'Bella's prefer warm environments and are not very cold-tolerant. They thrive in warm sunlight but should be protected from intense, direct sunlight. They tend to cluster easily and can form old, woody stems over time.

The care of Echeveria 'Bella's is relatively simple, with average cultivation difficulty. However, achieving a visually stunning plant is not easy. So, how can you grow beautiful Echeveria 'Bella's?

More Sunlight

To cultivate beautiful Red Lips, you need to provide plenty of sunlight, as this succulent is a spring and autumn variety that thrives in environments with abundant sunlight. If there is insufficient sunlight, the leaves may turn green, elongate, and become thin, with the tips of the leaves lacking red color, making the plant look average.

Therefore, when growing Echeveria 'Bella's, it is important to keep them in a bright location with plenty of sunlight, especially during the spring, autumn, and winter months. In the summer, when temperatures are high, provide some shade during the midday heat. At other times, ensure the plant receives plenty of sunlight to avoid leggy growth.

Watering Less

When cultivating Echeveria 'Bella's outdoors, the good ventilation and faster evaporation of moisture mean you dont need to water them as often. During the spring and autumn, watering every 7-10 days is generally sufficient.

In the summer, although Red Lips grows slowly, the high temperatures and large evaporation rate mean you'll need to water every 5-7 days, either in the morning or evening. On dry days, its helpful to spray the surrounding area of the pot in the evening to help cool the air and increase humidity.

In winter, when temperatures drop to around 5°C, Red Lips still grows slowly. During this time, watering every 10-15 days is sufficient. Watering should be done during the midday heat, ensuring the soil is completely dry before watering thoroughly, without allowing any standing water in the pot.

Prefers Warmth, Avoids Intense Heat

Echeveria 'Bella's thrive in warm environments, with an ideal growing temperature between 15-25°C. Temperatures above 35°C in the summer or below 5°C in the winter will result in slow growth.

During the summer heat, place the plant in a well-ventilated, shaded area, and spray water around the pot in the evening to help cool the air. In the winter, keep the plant indoors in a location with sunlight and temperatures above 5°C to help it grow better.

Repotting Once a Year

When caring for Red Lips, its recommended to repot the plant every spring. This is mainly because the soil used for growing seedlings differs from that needed for mature plants. When planting Red Lips seedlings, a mix of garden soil, leaf mold, coal slag, and sand is ideal.

For repotting the next spring, use a mix of peat, leaf mold, sand, and vermiculite, with a higher ratio of vermiculite. The soil mix should have a 7:3 ratio of coarse soil to soil, which ensures good drainage and air circulation, benefiting the growth of Red Lips and encouraging it to thrive.